
May the Force be with Your Next PR Pitch

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”

– Darth Vader to Admiral Motti, Star Wars, 1977

If you have an agency you trust–and we hope you do–media relations is likely one of their primary deliverables.  Occasionally, in the stress and strain of trying to secure media attention, a client may suggest tactics like “breaking the story up to get ‘two bites at the apple’” or “Let’s go back to them with a follow-up two weeks later” with another related or follow-up story.

While any good PR professional shares the same client goals and ambitions for great coverage, this tactic is misguided.  1. Media know exactly what you’re doing; by not giving them the full or complete story in one bite, you not only come across as a bit overanxious for coverage, you’re less than economical with reporters’ time and mental bandwidth to cover your company. 2.  Reporters are much less inclined to cover the second story you pitch and future stories, even if the stories have objectively more news value. 

Clients should be inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to professionals who understand these nuances and work with reporters in their beats day in and day out.  The long game wins by respecting their experience, acumen, and relationships with reporters and editors.

Darth Vader was a bad guy, no doubt.  But his rejoinder to have faith is appropriate as  May 4, is Star Wars Day.  

So keep the faith . . . 

And May the Force Be With You.


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